
L'Isle Joyeuse Piano Solo 德布西 快樂島鋼琴 獨奏

$500TWD - $500TWD
$500TWD - $500TWD

德彪西最初計畫將這部作品與《貝加摩組曲》(HN 381)放在一起,但後來於 1904 年 10 月將其單獨出版,這是有充分理由的。他對這部作品的才華和創造力讚不絕口,並在寫給出版商杜蘭德的不同信件中對其進行了評論。1904 年 10 月,他寫道:"這首曲子多麼難以演奏。在我看來,這首曲子結合了各種樂器的演奏方法,因為它將力度和優雅融為一體"。在與著名的加泰羅尼亞演奏家裡卡多-比涅斯(Ricardo Viñes)合作首演後,這首曲子很快在公眾中獲得了成功"

作曲家: Claude Debussy
校訂者: Ernst-Günter Heinemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Debussy: L'Isle joyeuse

Debussy had originally planned the work with the Suite bergamasque (HN 381) in mind, but then published it separately in October 1904, with good reason. He was so taken with the brilliance and inventiveness of the work, that he commented on it in diverse letters to his publisher Durand. In October 1904 he wrote: “How difficult it is to play. This piece seems to me to combine every way of attacking the instrument because it unites force and grace.” Following its première with the famous Catalonian virtuoso Ricardo Viñes, it quickly became a success with the public.
頁數: 20
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 884088175795