
Isaac Albéniz - Iberia, Fourth Book Piano 阿爾貝尼士 鋼琴 伊比利亞 亨乐版

$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD
$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD

隨著第四冊也是最後一冊的完成,我們的《伊比利亞》藍本Urtext 版本也隨之完成。 由於阿爾貝尼斯病重,他在完成這部作品的過程中付出了巨大的努力。然而,他還是將承諾的 12 首曲子全部交給了與他交好的鋼琴家華金。繼《馬拉加》中感性的舞蹈節奏和歡快活潑的《埃裡塔納》之後,他又成功地用《赫雷斯》為西班牙著名的葡萄種植區創作了一幅引人注目的音樂畫卷。"克勞德-德彪西(Claude Debussy)曾這樣評價阿爾貝尼斯的晚期浪漫主義傑作:"音樂從未有過如此豐富多彩的形式"

作曲家: Isaac Albéniz
校訂者: Norbert Gertsch
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
With the fourth and last book, our blue Urtext editions of the “Iberia” cycle are now complete. Albéniz had greatly struggled to complete the work because he was very ill. Yet he was able to hand over all of the twelve pieces he had promised to the pianist Joaquin with whom he was friends. Following the sensuous dance rhythms in “Málaga” and the cheerful and lively “Eritana,” he succeeded in creating a striking musical portrait of the famous Spanish wine-growing region with “Jerez.” “Music has never achieved such a diverse and colorful form,” was the judgement passed on Albéniz' late Romantic masterpiece by none other than Claude Debussy.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 257.985
UPC: 884088915384
