
Isaac Albéniz - Asturias for Piano 阿爾貝尼士 鋼琴 亨乐版

$440TWD - $440TWD
$440TWD - $440TWD

阿爾貝尼斯的鋼琴音樂確實令人難以抗拒,尤其是因為它的舞蹈元素和西班牙風情。阿斯圖裡亞斯》將這些元素巧妙地融合在一起。這首曲子最早出現在 1892 年的《西班牙詠歎調前奏曲》(HL 51480782)中,1901 年再次出現在《西班牙組曲》(HL 51480783)中,這次的標題是《阿斯圖裡亞斯》。誰不熟悉那神秘的吉他聲,它讓人聯想到安達盧西亞的弗拉門戈場景?這首曲子經常被改編,但我們出版的是原版烏爾文鋼琴獨奏曲--價格實惠的單行本"

作曲家: Isaac Albéniz
校訂者: Ullrich Scheideler
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Albéniz' piano music is truly irresistible, in particular because of its dance-like elements and its Spanish atmosphere. Asturias combines these elements in a most sophisticated manner. It first appeared in 1892 as the Prélude to the Chants d'Espagne (HL 51480782), and again in 1901, this time with the title Asturias in the Suite Espagnole (HL 51480783), and the pieces soon became one of the composer's best-loved works. Who isn't familiar with the mysterious guitar sounds that conjure up a Flamenco scene in Andalusia? The piece has often been arranged, but we are publishing it in the original Urtext version for solo piano – in an affordable single edition.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 90.72
UPC: 884088947606
