
Iberia · Third Book Piano 阿爾貝尼士 鋼琴 伊比利亞 鋼琴 亨乐版

$1,380TWD - $1,380TWD
$1,380TWD - $1,380TWD

自出版以來,《伊比利亞》的前兩卷 Henle Urtext 已成為鋼琴家們的標準。現在,阿爾貝尼斯又推出了第三冊,在這一冊中,他再次將歐洲古典音樂知識與西班牙民間音樂元素融為一體。在 "El Albaicin "中,他喚起了格拉納達吉普賽人居住區的神秘氛圍;在 "El Polo "中,他又暗示了弗拉門戈舞的氣質。最後,阿爾貝尼斯描繪了馬德里前猶太區("Lavapiés")的熱情奔放的氛圍;在這樣做的過程中,他在音樂中穿插了一些不和諧的色彩點綴,暗指風琴研磨機"

作曲家: Isaac Albéniz
校訂者: Norbert Gertsch
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Since their publication, the first two Henle Urtext volumes of “Iberia” have become standards in the pianists' world. Now comes the third book, in which Albéniz once again fuses his knowledge of European classical music with elements of Spanish folk music. In “El Albaicin” he evokes the mysterious atmosphere of the gypsy quarter in Granada, followed by hints of temperamental Flamenco in “El Polo.” At the end, Albéniz depicts the exuberant mood of a former Jewish quarter in Madrid (“Lavapiés”); in so doing he intersperses the music with some dissonant dashes of color, an allusion to an organ grinder.

頁數: 60
重量(g): 246.645
UPC: 884088551476
