
España, Op. 165 Piano Solo 阿爾貝尼士 西班牙 鋼琴 亨乐版

$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

加泰羅尼亞作曲家阿爾貝尼斯 30 歲時寫下了他的六張專輯葉España,當時他正在倫敦,他的鋼琴獨奏會引起了轟動。在這些音樂會上,他經常演奏自己的作品,這些作品充滿了家鄉的風情。阿爾貝尼斯還在倫敦首次演奏了鋼琴組曲España,帶領聽眾領略了西班牙鄉村的風情:異國情調的舞蹈節奏(Zortzico)和旋律優美的民間曲調(Serenata),在此之前,他還演奏了著名的Tango,這首曲子經過多次改編,已廣為人知"

作曲家: Isaac Albéniz
校訂者: Norbert Müllemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
When the Catalan composer Albéniz wrote his six album leaves España at the age of 30, he was in London and his piano recitals were causing sensation. At these concerts he often performed his own compositions which were infused with the flair of his home country. Albéniz also gave the first performance of the piano cycle España in London, taking his audience on a journey through the Spanish countryside: exotic dance rhythms (Zortzico) and melodic folk tunes (Serenata) are preceded by the famous Tango, made known through many arrangements.

頁數: 30
重量(g): 144.585
UPC: 884088479435
