
Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Major, K. 299 (297c) for Flute, Harp & Piano Reduction 莫札特 長笛協奏曲 管弦樂團 長笛(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,380TWD - $1,380TWD
$1,380TWD - $1,380TWD

莫札特既不是長笛演奏家,也不是豎笛演奏家,但他的雙協奏曲已成為這兩種樂器最著名的音樂。現在,明星長笛演奏家安德拉什-阿多爾揚(András Adorján)為 Henle 編寫了這首曲子的音樂文本,甚至在其他版本任意改動的段落中也遵循了原譜。羅伯特-D-列文(Robert D. Levin)等音樂家在編輯建議中加入了具有歷史說服力的快板;經驗豐富的編曲家揚-菲力浦-舒爾茨(Jan Philip Schulze)編寫了簡潔明快的鋼琴曲。我們的版本首次以演奏譜的形式呈現豎琴部分。這一新版本使 Henle 的莫札特現存協奏曲和長笛室內樂最新文本版本系列更加完善"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: András Adorján
樂器: Flute; Harp; Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra C major KV 299 (297c)

Mozart was neither a flautist nor a harpist, but his Double Concerto has become the best-known nusic for both these instruments. Now its musical text has been prepared for Henle by the star flautist András Adorján, following the autograph score even in those passages where other editions make arbitrary changes. No less a musician than Robert D. Levin has added historically convincing cadenzas as editorial suggestions; the lean and euphonious piano reduction was prepared by the experienced arranger Jan Philip Schulze. Our edition is the first to present the harp part in form of a performance score. This new volume completes Henle's series of up-to-date urtext editions of Mozart's surviving concertos and chamber music with flute.
頁數: 106
重量(g): 419.58
UPC: 884088178802