
Salut d'amour, Op. 12 for Violin and Piano with Marked and Unmarked String Parts 艾爾加 小提琴 鋼琴 弦樂 愛的禮讚 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

愛德華-埃爾加的《Salut d'amour》是英國作曲家的作品之一,它的旋律特別纏綿。這部短小的作品對作曲家來說也有著特殊的意義。卡洛琳-愛麗絲-羅伯茨(Caroline Alice Roberts)從 1886 年起就開始上埃爾加的鋼琴課。他們的師生情很快就發展成了愛情,並於 1888 年訂婚。就在這一年,埃爾加為他的新娘創作了《Salut d'amour》,最初的德文標題是 "Liebesgruss"。他們於 1889 年結婚,這部作品也同時出版。現在,我們以小提琴與鋼琴、大提琴與鋼琴(HN 1189)和鋼琴獨奏(HN 1190)的原始版本出版這首難度適中的不朽經典

作曲家: Edward Elgar
校訂者: Rupert Marshall-Luck
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Edward Elgar's Salut d'amour is one of those pieces by the British composer that has a particularly haunting melody. The short work also had a special significance for the composer. Caroline Alice Roberts had been having piano lessons with Elgar since 1886. Their teacher-pupil relationship soon blossomed into love and they became engaged in 1888. It was in this year that Elgar composed “Salut d'amour” for his bride, initially with the German title “Liebesgruss”. They got married in 1889 and the work was published at the same time. We are now publishing this moderately difficult, immortal classic in the original versions for violin and piano, violoncello and piano (HN 1189) and piano solo (HN 1190).

頁數: 28
重量(g): 130.41
UPC: 888680050245
