
Petrie's Complete Irish Music

來自 Dover
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1792年7月,愛德華-邦廷在貝爾法斯特的一次傳統豎琴演奏家聚會上受命寫下曲調。這個天真無邪的開端標誌著長達 100 年的重要進程的開始:保存一個國家的音樂,否則這些音樂可能會永遠失傳。隨著時間的推移,班廷將火炬傳給了學徒喬治-皮特裡(George Petrie),後者又在愛爾蘭旋律保護與出版協會的成立過程中發揮了重要作用,該協會於 1855 年出版了皮特裡的第一部作品集。最後,皮特裡的女兒委託備受尊敬的查理斯-斯坦福爵士將她父親的作品裝訂成三卷,最終於 1905 年出版了這本包含 1582 首傳統旋律的作品集,這是一個民族的音樂財富。喬治-皮特裡(George Petrie)根據原稿記錄的《愛爾蘭音樂全集》(三卷本,最初由倫敦愛爾蘭文學社於 1902 年至 1905 年間完成)一卷本未經刪節的多佛再版。查理斯-維利爾斯-斯坦福的序言。皮特裡博士的導言。索引。注"

樂器: Voice
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Folk
Edward Bunting fell into his destiny when, at the age of 19, he was commissioned to write down the tunes performed at a gathering of traditional harp players in Belfast in July 1792. This innocent beginning signaled the start of a 100-year process of enormous importance: the preservation of a country's music, which otherwise might be lost forever. In time, Bunting passed the torch to apprentice George Petrie who, in turn, became instrumental in founding the Society for the Preservation and Publication of the Melodies of Ireland, which published Petrie's first collection in 1855. Finally, it was Petrie's daughter who entrusted the much-honored Sir Charles Stanford with three bound volumes of her father's work, leading to the ultimate compilation, published in 1905, of 1,582 traditional melodies -- the musical wealth of a nation. Unabridged Dover republication, in one volume, of The Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie from the Original Manuscripts -- the three-volume set originally completed by the Irish Literary Society of London between 1902 and 1905. Preface by Charles Villiers Stanford. Dr. Petrie's Introduction. Index. Note.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 997.903214
ISBN: 9780486430805
UPC: 9780486430805
