
La Rodana (Pasacalle Español)

$4,680TWD - $4,680TWD
$4,680TWD - $4,680TWD

西班牙的 "Pasacalle "是西班牙音樂傳統中非常有特色的一種體裁。它類似於進行曲,但更加雄壯,代表了六十年代西班牙男性典型的自命不凡的氣質。這首曲子不僅是這種音樂體裁的典範,還讓我們想起了西班牙最典型的慶祝活動--鬥牛。通過這首全新的帕索雙人舞,帶您的觀眾去感受鬥牛場上的夏夜風情吧!

作曲家: Ferrer Ferran
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: De Haske Publications
The Spanish “Pasacalle” is a very characteristic genre of Spanish musical tradition. It resembles the march but is more majestic and represents the air of pretentiousness that is so typical for the Spanish male character of the sixties. This composition is not only an example of this kind of musical genre, but it also reminds us of the most typical Spanish celebration of all - the bull fight. Take your audience away to a balmy summer night in the bullring with this great new paso doble.
難度: 3

頁數: 0
重量(g): 807.975
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
UPC: 884088079475
