
Six Suites Bwv1007/12 巴赫‧約翰瑟巴斯提安 組曲 豎笛

$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD
$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD

"法國單簧管演奏家 Ulysse Delécluse(1907-1995 年)將 J. S. Bach 聲名狼藉的《六首大提琴組曲》完美地改編成單簧管樂曲。 巴赫最初創作《大提琴組曲》是在 1717-1723 年,當時他在科恩擔任 Kapellmeister。德萊克呂茲為單簧管改編的作品(1965 年)包括樂句標記、動態標記、銜接和演奏說明。Delécluse 的改編完美無瑕,使單簧管可以輕鬆演奏這首聲名狼藉的組曲。"

作曲家: Johann Sebastian Bach
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“The infamous Six Cello Suites by J. S. Bach are perfectly arranged for the Clarinet by French clarinetist, Ulysse Delécluse (1907-1995). Bach originally composed the Cello Suites, some of the most recognisable and frequently performed solo compositions ever written for the instrument, during the period 1717-1723, when he served as Kapellmeister in Köthen. Delécluse's adaptions for Clarinet (1965) include phrase marks, dynamic markings, articulation and performance directions. Delécluse's adaptions are flawless, making the notorious Suites enjoyably accessible for the Clarinet. ”

頁數: 36
重量(g): 161.595
UPC: 888680840686
