
Romanian Folk Dances for Clarinet Stylish arrangements of selected highlights from the leading 20th century composer 巴爾托克 羅馬尼亞舞曲 編曲 作曲家 豎笛 1把以上加鋼琴 博浩版

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$730TWD - $730TWD

Boosey&Hawkes巴托克版展示了這位二十世紀著名作曲家的全新時尚編曲,供正在成長中的音樂家學習和欣賞。 羅馬尼亞民間舞蹈》最初寫於 1915 年,是由六首鋼琴短曲組成的組曲,巴托克隨後將其改編為小型合奏曲。 在這一版本中,海威爾-大衛斯為單簧管編配了鋼琴伴奏

作曲家: Bartok, Bela
校訂者: Davies, Hywel
樂器: clarinet and piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Stick Dance - Sash Dance - In One Spot - Dance from Bucsum - Romanian Polka - Fast Dance

The Boosey & Hawkes Bartók Edition showcases brand new stylish arrangements of highlights from the leading twentieth century composer for developing musicians to learn and enjoy. The Romanian Folk Dances were originally written in 1915 as a suite of six short piano pieces, which Bartók subsequently orchestrated for small ensemble. In this edition, Hywel Davies has arranged the suite for clarinet with piano accompaniment.
頁數: 28
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790060132056
ISBN: 9781784541989