
Ninian A concerto for clarinet & orchestra 麥克米倫.詹姆士 協奏曲 管弦樂團 豎笛 1把以上加鋼琴 博浩版

$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD
$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD

這是為 1997 年慶祝蘇格蘭基督教奠基人之一尼尼安年而創作的。聖尼尼安是惠索恩的第一任主教,據說他於西元 397 年抵達蘇格蘭西南部的加洛韋,比聖哥倫布登陸艾奧納早了近兩個世紀。這三個樂章取材於尼尼恩的三個所謂奇跡:"放牛人和公牛"、"佩奇爾斯之夢 "和 "基督之子的神秘幻象"。關於這位聖人及其追隨者的這些奇異而令人回味的故事被記錄在他死後幾個世紀創作的一首拉丁詩歌中。因此,這部作品不僅是一部協奏曲,同時也是一部音畫集,給人留下了這些古老故事的印象。這是一首充滿活力、平易近人的協奏曲,在表現深度和技術展示之間取得了令人滿意的平衡

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: Clarinet and Orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

I) The reiver and the bull - II) The dream of Pectgils - III) A mystical vision of the Christ-child

Commissioned for the 1997 celebrations of the Year of Ninian, one of the founding fathers of Christianity in Scotland. St Ninian, the first bishop of Whithorn, was believed to have arrived in Galloway in the south-west of the country in 397 AD, nearly two centuries before St Columba landed on Iona. The three movements are based on three of the so-called Miracles of Ninian, 'The reiver and the bull', 'The dream of Pectgils' and 'A mystical vision of the Christ-child'. These strange and evocative tales about the saint and his followers were documented in a Latin poem written a few centuries after his death. As well as being a concerto, the work is therefore also a collection of tone-paintings which give an impression of these ancient tales. A vibrant and approachable concerto which offers a satisfying balance between depth of expression and technical display.
頁數: 82
重量(g): 260
ISMN: 9790060116476
UPC: 884088093730