
Four Songs with Lyrics by Klaus Groth Voice and Piano 布拉姆斯 聲樂 鋼琴 亨乐版

$810TWD - $810TWD
$810TWD - $810TWD

這首 "雷根萊德 "組曲的第一版僅由 G. Henle 出版社出版。在序言中,著名勃拉姆斯學者邁克爾-斯特拉克(Michael Struck)寫道:"這部作品的獨特之處在於,它是作曲家迄今為止完全不為人知的一首小歌。在這部作品中,勃拉姆斯將他非常欣賞的詩人克勞斯-格羅特(Klaus Groth)的四段文字配上了音樂。在勃拉姆斯自己出版的著名歌曲集作品 59 中,格羅特的歌曲也與其他歌曲一起出現。約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)的《G 大調第一小提琴奏鳴曲》(Op. 之所以約翰內斯-勃拉姆斯的 G 大調第一小提琴奏鳴曲作品 勃拉姆斯的 G 大調第一小提琴奏鳴曲,作品 78,也被稱為 "Regenlied "奏鳴曲

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Michael Struck
樂器: Piano; Voice
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
This first edition of the “Regenlied” cycle is only available from G. Henle Publishers. In the preface, Michael Struck, an eminent Brahms scholar, writes about the distinctiveness of the work, until now a completely unknown little song cycle by the composer. In it Brahms sets four texts to music by the poet Klaus Groth, whom he greatly admired. In the well-known song cycle opus 59, published by Brahms himself, the Groth songs are also to be found together with other songs. The reason why Johannes Brahms' Violin Sonata no. 1 in G major op. 78 is also known as the “Regenlied” Sonata becomes clear on acquiring, studying, and playing this “Regenlied” cycle.

頁數: 34
重量(g): 136.08
UPC: 884088177157
