
Six Metamorphoses after Ovid op. 49 布瑞頓 六首變形記 雙簧管獨奏 博浩版


$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

該版本是 2007 年聖三一教學大綱(7 & 8 級)的一分譜 該版本是英國皇家音樂學院 2006 年夏季教學大綱(8 級)的一分譜

作曲家: Britten, Benjamin
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Pan (who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved) - Phaeton (who rode upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbolt) - Niobe (who, lamenting the death of her fourteen children, was turned into a mountain) - Bacchus (at whose feasts is heard the noise of gaggling women's tattling tongues and shouting out of boys) - Narcissus (who fell in love with his own image and became a flower) - Arethusa (who, flying from the love of Alpheus the river got, was turned into a fountain)

The edition is part of the Trinity syllabus 2007 (grades 7 & 8)The edition is part of the ABRSM Summer syllabus 2006 (grade 8)
頁數: 10
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790060015274
UPC: 73999184815