
Microlatin 20 new pieces based on latin rhythms for the beginner pianist 小品 節奏 鋼琴獨奏 博浩版

$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

克里斯多夫-諾頓(Christopher Norton)的這套全新鋼琴小品充滿節奏和氣氛。微拉丁 "向初學者介紹了拉丁美洲音樂風格的精彩之處:20 首樂曲捕捉了這種令人振奮和陶醉的音樂的特色,但技術難度不大。您可隨伴奏 CD 一起演奏,或聆聽作曲家本人充滿活力的演奏。

作曲家: Norton, Christopher
樂器: piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Colourful - Moonlit encounter - Excursion - Heavy load - Sun and sand - In the band - Beach ball - Jam jar - Esplanade - Tangolita - Light fingered - Sultry night - A gentle ride - Bucket and spade - A bright day - Island hopper - Stirring in the pot - Warm breeze - The rendezvous - The parting

Soak up the rhythm and atmosphere in Christopher Norton's all-new set of piano miniatures. 'Microlatin' introduces the beginner to the excitements of Latin-American musical styles: twenty pieces capturing the characteristic qualities of this invigorating and enchanting music but with only modest technical challenges. Play along to the backing CD or listen to the composer's own vibrant performances.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790060119651
ISBN: 9780851625607
UPC: 884088270377