
Variations ex Bene quondam 變奏曲 總譜 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版

$1,230TWD - $1,230TWD
$1,230TWD - $1,230TWD

尤哈尼-努爾瓦拉(Juhani Nuorvala,生於1961年)為弦樂團創作的變奏曲《Bene quondam》於2017年受奧斯特羅布森室內樂團委託創作。與音樂家們的合作促成了微音調的實驗。作品取材于芬蘭詩集《虔誠之歌》(Piae cantiones)中的一首中世紀晚期歌曲。這首歌曲經過各種現代音樂手段的處理。它還與加利福尼亞的新時代--這位元少年作曲家的音樂舞臺--相契合。作品時長為 25 分鐘,演奏材料可向出版商租借"

作曲家: Nuorvala, Juhani
樂器: string orchestra
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Juhani Nuorvala's (b. 1961) Variations ex ”Bene quondam” for string orchestra was commissioned by the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra in 2017. Collaboration with the musicians led to experiments with microtonality. The work is based on a late medieval song from the Finnish collection Piae cantiones (Pious songs). The song is processed with various means of contemporary music. It also meets the New Age of California - the musical scene of the teenaged composer. The duration of the work is 25 minutes, and the performance material is available for hire from the publisher.

頁數: 54
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790550116184

