
Twelve Variations on Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen op. 66 from The Magic Flute by Mozart 貝多芬 變奏曲 頌歌 魔笛 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$750TWD - $750TWD
$750TWD - $750TWD

貝多芬的長笛原作和長笛曲目屈指可數。在波恩時期,我們有一首 G 大調長笛、巴松管和鋼琴三重奏,一首 G 大調長笛二重奏,以及一首降 B 大調長笛和鋼琴奏鳴曲的手稿。我們的版本旨在為長笛演奏家打開貝多芬另一首非常迷人的作品。我們的版本並不是忠實地將大提琴聲部轉到長笛可以演奏的音區,而是將一些鋼琴聲部轉到長笛聲部,特別是在主題、變奏曲 VII 和 IX 以及變奏曲 XII 的幾個小節中,這樣可以將旋律上有趣的段落更均勻地分配到各個聲部中"

作曲家: Beethoven, Ludwig van
編者: Holle, Klaus
校訂者: Holle, Klaus
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
There are only a few original Beethoven pieces for and with flute. From the Bonn period we have a trio in G major for flute, bassoon and piano, a flute duet in G major and the manuscript of a sonata in B flat major for flute and piano. Our edition intends to open up another very charming Beethoven work for the flutist. Rather than being a faithful transcription just transposing the cello part to a register that can be played on the flute, it also features a few piano part passages transcribed to the flute part, in particular, in the theme, the Variations VII and IX as well as in a few bars of Variation XII, so as to distribute the passages that are interesting from a melodic point of view more evenly among the parts.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 28
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790010313702
