
Quintet in D major G 353 弦樂五重奏大調

來自 Schott Music
$1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
$1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

這首五重奏寫於1790年,以波切利尼在清唱劇《喬阿斯,朱達王》中使用的三個和絃開場。第一樂章的風格融合了曼海姆元素和義大利歌劇。優美的小步舞曲之後是大快板,作曲家用簡單的素材創造了一個音樂 "靜物"(nature morte)。最後樂章是一首典型的波切利尼迴旋曲,讓每位演奏者都有機會大顯身手"

作曲家: Boccherini Luigi Rodolfo
改編者: Pascoe, Keith
樂器: 2 violins, viola and 2 cellos
出版社: Edition HH Limited
Published here for the first time, this quintet, written in 1790, opens with the three chords Boccherini used in the sinfonia of his oratorio Gioas, Re di Giuda. The style of the first movement is a mixture of Mannheim elements and Italian opera. The graceful Minuetto is followed by an Andante larghetto, in which the composer’s use of simple material creates a musical ‘still life’ (nature morte). The final movement is a typical Boccherini rondeau giving each player a chance to shine.

頁數: 56
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790708041047
