
Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40 Piano, Violin, and Horn (with viola or cello instead of horn) 布拉姆斯 法國號三重奏 小提琴 中提琴 大提琴 混和室內樂 亨乐版

$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

這首三重奏的圓號、小提琴和鋼琴配樂不同尋常,很早就引起了人們對其可能與音樂無關的背景的猜測。勃拉姆斯的傳記作者馬克斯-卡爾貝克(Max Kalbeck)認為,這首曲子是對作曲家剛剛去世的母親的哀悼,據說作曲家童年時曾用圓號為母親演奏民歌。毫無疑問,勃拉姆斯鍾愛自然圓號的音色,並將他最富靈感的幾首旋律賦予了這一樂器。圓號演奏家理所當然地喜歡這首作品 40 的三重奏。現在,這個 Henle Urtext 版本為學習和演奏這部傑作提供了最佳基礎。該版本沿用了《新勃拉姆斯全集》的音樂文本,從而保證了最大程度地忠實於原作,並反映了當前的研究水準。鋼琴家克勞斯-席爾德(Klaus Schilde)為鋼琴部分添加了有用的指法。此外,還為勃拉姆斯授權的另一種配樂(用中提琴或大提琴代替圓號)提供了額外的聲部"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Katharina Loose-Einfalt
樂器: Mixed Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
This trio's unusual scoring for horn, violin and piano prompted speculation early on about a possible background to it that had no connection with music. Brahms's biographer Max Kalbeck saw in it a lament for the composer's mother, recently deceased, to whom hehad supposedly played folk songs on the horn in his childhood. There is no doubt that Brahms loved the sound of the natural horn, and bestowed several of his most inspired melodies on the instrument. Horn players justifiably adore this Trio op. 40, and this Henle Urtext edition now offers an optimal basis for studying and performing this masterpiece. This edition follows the musical text of the New Brahms Complete Edition and thus guarantees the greatest fidelity to the sources and reflects the current state of research. The pianist Klaus Schilde has added helpful fingerings to the piano part. Extra parts are also provided for the alternative scoring authorised by Brahms (with viola or cello instead of horn).

頁數: 120
重量(g): 467.775
UPC: 888680749989

