
Chanson De Nuit, Chanson De Matin Op. 15 Violin and Piano 艾爾加 小提琴鋼琴

$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

與埃爾加的《Salut'damour》一樣,這兩首 "香頌 "也是他最受歡迎的旋律之一。夢幻般的《夜之香頌》和歡快的《日之香頌》經常一起演奏。有鑑於此,埃爾加居然在 1897 年 10 月就完成了《夜之香頌》這首單獨的作品,並在不久後將其提供給他的出版商 Novello。18 個月後,他才提交了《日間香頌》,並告訴諾維洛:"我從我的草圖(上周發現的,後來完成了)中看出,這首曲子是為了與您已有的那首相輔相成"。兩首小提琴曲目中的經典之作,技術要求適中,採用初版,指法由英國小提琴家和埃爾加學者魯珀特-馬歇爾-勒克(Rupert Marshall-Luck)編寫"

作曲家: Elgar Edward
樂器: Violin;Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Like Elgar's Salut'damour, the two “chansons” are amongst his most popular melodies. The dreamy Chanson de nuit and its cheerful counterpart Chanson de matin are often performed together. With this in mind, it is almost surprising that Elgar had in fact completed the Chanson de nuit in October 1897 as a separate piece and shortly afterwards offered it to his publisher Novello. He only submitted the Chanson de matin eighteen months later, telling Novello on this occasion: “I see from my sketch (which I found last week & have since completed) that this piece was intended to be a companion to the one you have already.” Two evergreens of theviolin repertoire, with moderate technical demands, prepared using the first editions, and with fingering by the British violinist and Elgar scholar Rupert Marshall-Luck.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
頁數: 10
重量(g): 119.07
UPC: 196288081975
