
Beginning Jazz Piano 1 An introduction to swing, blues, latin and funk Part 1: Chords and Improvisation 爵士音樂鋼琴 導奏搖擺樂藍調 放克音樂 和弦即興演奏 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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爵士鋼琴入門》的目標讀者是那些對爵士樂知之甚少,但喜歡探索爵士樂相關音樂的演奏者。蒂姆-理查茲通過大量旋律優美的樂曲--他自己的作品、傳統樂曲和著名爵士樂歌曲的新旋律--介紹了藍調、放克和拉美音樂,並講解了左右手最重要的技巧。由經驗豐富的教師、廣受好評的《藍調鋼琴》和《爵士鋼琴》教科書的作者撰寫的曲目選擇也以英國皇家音樂學院考試目錄等的要求為指導,使這本教科書成為練習和學習不可或缺的資料。第 1 卷 (ED 23374) 以簡單的方式講解了如何在和聲上自發、自由地演奏。從左手的三和弦開始,講解五聲音階、琶音和藍調音階,並在具體樂曲中進行嘗試。第 2 卷(ED 23379)加入了從搖擺樂到拉丁樂的典型節奏和低音旋律,讓人更願意將鋼琴作為伴奏樂器,同時還展示了如何在爵士樂背景下編排旋律。兩卷的難度相同,可連續或同時使用。音訊檔包括完整版和伴奏曲目,鋼琴伴奏為蒂姆-理查茲(Tim Richards),另有低音線和鼓。尤其值得推薦的是互動功能 "重放",它不僅適用於自彈自唱: 通過與高品質線上課程提供商 MusicGurus 合作,所有樂曲的互動式樂譜均可免費線上獲取,使練習更加輕鬆,並確保快速學習成功

作曲家: Richards, Tim
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
Beginning Jazz Piano is aimed at players with little previous knowledge who enjoy exploring jazz-related music. With lots of melodious pieces - his own compositions, traditionals and new melodies of well-known jazz songs - Tim Richards introduces the blues, funk and Latin American music and explains the most important techniques for the right and left hand. The selection of pieces by the experienced teacher and author of the critically acclaimed Blues Piano and Jazz Piano textbooks is also guided by the requirements of the ABRSM exam catalogue, among others, making the textbook an indispensable source of practising and learning.Volume 1 (ED 23374) explains in a simple way how to play spontaneously and freely over harmonies. Starting with triads in the left hand, pentatonic scales and arpeggios as well as the blues scale are explained here and tried out in specific pieces. Peppered with typical rhythms and bass grooves from swing to Latin, Volume 2 (ED 23379) then whets the appetite for the piano as an accompanying instrument and also shows how to arrange a melody in a jazz context. The two volumes both have the same level of difficulty and can be used consecutively or simultaneously. The audio files include full versions and play-along tracks, with Tim Richards on the piano, an additional bass line and drums. Particularly recommendable, not only for self-taughts, is the interactive feature Replay: In cooperation with MusicGurus, a provider of high-quality online lessons, interactive sheet music can be accessed online for all pieces free of charge, making practising easier and guaranteeing a fast learning success.

語言: English
頁數: 0
重量(g): 410
ISMN: 9790001212168
ISBN: 9783795722821

