
A Flea Market: Pieces for Piano Solo - Book 2 [Pchli Targ: Utwory na fortepian solo - Zeszyt 2] 鋼琴 小品 波蘭版

來自 PWM Edition
$890TWD - $890TWD
$890TWD - $890TWD

作曲家注:在豐富的音樂收藏中,我把鋼琴當作一種樂器,與其他樂器並無不同。一方面,我為能寫出鋼琴協奏曲風格的作品而感到興奮;另一方面,我又對鋼琴這種三條腿的偉大動物能否在不觸及顯而易見的問題的情況下帶來新的亮點或激發重要的靈感感到懷疑。但確實有一些更輕盈的東西存在--一齣戲、一個遊戲、一面扭曲的鏡子,反映出一個胖子高貴的外表。不是高雅的遊戲,而是動盪而平穩的處理。不是楔子上的遊戲,而是穿著運動鞋的遊戲。對著肥胖的樂器眨眨眼,喚起的是聽眾的情緒,以及年輕音樂愛好者在練習音階和段落時的痛苦。繼續為鋼琴作曲的良方可能是有意識的 "反活動",像在一面扭曲的鏡子中展示這種樂器當前的藝術成就"

作曲家: Zbigniew Bargielski
樂器: Piano
出版社: PWM Edition
Composer Note: I treat the piano as an instrument in no way different from others in the rich music collection. On the one hand, I feel excitedabout, for instance, the possibility to write something in a style of a piano concerto, on the other - I have some doubts about shedding new light or sparking significant impulses from that great three-legged animal without hitting the obvious. But there does exist something lighter - a play, a game, a distorting mirror, reflecting a noble appearance of a fatso. Not refined games, but volatile and smooth treatment of the matter. Not a game on wedges, but in trainers. A wink of an eye at an obese instrument arousing emotions in the listeners and sufferings in young music lovers practising scales and passages. A remedy for continuing to compose for the piano may be a conscious “anti-activity”, presenting current artistic achievements for this instrument as if in a distorting mirror.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 221.13

