
12 Polonaises Piano Solo 巴赫威廉‧弗利德曼 波洛奈茲 波蘭舞曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

波羅乃茲舞曲不僅在蕭邦和李斯特的時代是一種時髦的舞蹈形式,約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫的兒子威廉-弗裡德曼(Wilhelm Friedemann)已經將這種波蘭民族舞蹈推向了頂峰。巴赫的十二首波蘭舞曲在他的時代非常流行,以至於這些舞曲在許多手稿中留存下來,這意味著今天的鋼琴家們可以欣賞到這些巴赫最成功的鋼琴作品。這些樂曲色彩豐富、效果出眾,在各個調上呈階梯式上升,每個調上都並列著一首大調和一首小調的波蘭舞曲。這些樂曲敏感而富有表現力,巴赫顯然是通過這些波羅乃茲舞曲開始了通往個性樂曲的道路。他很可能是用克萊維奇琴演奏這些樂曲的,克萊維奇琴是這個感性時代最精緻、最受歡迎的樂器"

作曲家: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
校訂者: Andreas Böhnert
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The polonaise was a fashionable dance form not only in Chopin and Liszt's time, for Johann Sebastian Bach's son Wilhelm Friedemann had already brought this Polish national dance to a high-point. His twelve Polonaises were so popular in his time that they survive in numerous manuscripts, meaning that today's pianists can enjoy these most successful of W.F. Bach's piano compositions. Colorful and effective, they ascend stepwise through the keys, with a polonaise in the major and one in the minor juxtaposed in each case. The pieces are sensitive and expressive, and Bach is clearly setting off along the path to the character piece with these Polonaises. He probably played them on the clavichord, the delicate and favoured instrument of this time of sensibility.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 170.1
UPC: 884088176785

