
Wassail! Unison Edition 同度

來自 Faber Music
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

Wassail!舒適與歡樂的頌歌》(此版本為單聲部、簡單二聲部和鋼琴版本)由 12 首鼓舞人心的民間聖誕歌曲組成,探索了節日的神聖和世俗方面。包括《蘇塞克斯頌歌》、《歡慶!》和《冬青和常春藤》等最受歡迎的歌曲"

作曲家: L'Estrange, Alexander
樂器: Unison Chorus, Upper Voices
出版社: Faber Music
曲目: What sweeter music can we bring?; The Sussex carol; Drive the cold winter away; The holly and the ivy; Gaudete!; The first tree in the greenwood; Spring will come again; The Wexford carol; Angelus ad virginem/Gabriel's message; I saw three ships (The Furry Dance); While shepherds watched (three ways); Wassail! (medley)
Wassail! Carols of Comfort and Joy (this edition for unison and simple two-part voices and piano) is a sequence of 12 uplifting folk-inspired Christmas songs, exploring both sacred and secular aspects of the festive season. Includes such favourites as The Sussex carol, Gaudete! and The holly and the ivy.

語言: English
頁數: 88
重量(g): 268
EAN: 9780571541362

