
Finlandia / Karelia & Lemminkain 西貝流士 芬蘭頌

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

讓-西貝柳斯的名聲在於他的管弦樂作品,主要是他的七部交響曲和小提琴協奏曲。他還創作了多部交響詩,其中最重要的是他的第一部重要作品《庫勒沃》(Kullervo,作品 7),這是一部為女高音、男中音、男聲合唱團和管弦樂隊創作的交響詩,如今正受到新一輪的追捧;浪漫的《恩-薩加》(En Saga,作品 9),充滿泥土氣息的《卡累利阿》(Karelia),以及他的第二部交響詩作品《狩獵》(Op.作品 9、樸實的《卡累利阿組曲》(Karelia Suite)(作品 11)、根據卡勒瓦拉神話改編的《萊明凱寧組曲》(Lemminkäinen Suite)(作品 22)、成為芬蘭獨立鬥爭和芬蘭國家象徵的《芬蘭舞曲》(Finlandia)(作品 26),以及他最後一部重要作品--不朽的《塔皮奧拉》(Tapiola)(作品 112)。英國作曲家拉爾夫-沃恩-威廉姆斯(Ralph Vaughan Williams)在給西貝柳斯的信中寫道:'你點燃了一支永不熄滅的蠟燭'

作曲家: Sibelius Jean
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
The fame of Jean Sibelius rests on his orchestral works, mainly his seven symphonies and the Violin Concerto. He also wrote several symphonic poems, the most important of which are his first major work Kullervo, Op. 7, symphonic poem for soprano, baritone, male voice choir and orchestra which is enjoying a new wave of popularity today; the romantic En Saga, Op. 9, the earthy Karelia Suite, Op. 11, the Lemminkäinen Suite, Op. 22, based on the Kalevala myths, Finlandia, Op. 26, which became the symbol of Finland's struggle for independence and then of Finland as a nation, and the monumental Tapiola, Op. 112, which was his last major work. The significance of Sibelius for the music not only of Finland but the whole of Europe was encapsulated by English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, who wrote in a letter to Sibelius: 'You have lit a candle that will never go out.'

頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 636943426524

