
Odd Time Stickings Contains: Compound Stickings for Odd-Meter Time Playing and Soloing 獨奏

來自 Alfred Music
$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

本書是加里-查菲廣為流傳的《Sticking Patterns》的延伸。由於在當代音樂中使用不同的音高已變得更為普遍,本書探討了如何在各種奇特的音高中使用連音。書中收錄了大量每種節拍的連音樂句,可用于創造自己的時間感和獨奏創意。

作曲家: Gary Chaffee
樂器: Drumset
出版社: Alfred Music
This book is an extension of Gary Chaffee's popular Sticking Patterns. Since the use of different meters has become much more common in contemporary music, the book explores how stickings can be used in a variety of odd meters. It includes a number of sticking phrases for each meter that can then be used to create your own time feel and solo ideas.

頁數: 68
重量(g): 272.155422
ISBN: 9780739096680
UPC: 38081461113
