
Bizet: Jeux d'enfants, Opus 22 比才 兒童遊戲作品

來自 Alfred Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

Jeux d'enfants》是比才最後一部也是最優秀的鋼琴作品,是鋼琴二重奏文學的瑰寶之一。這 12 首豐富多彩的樂曲描述了各種兒童活動。本版本以初版和親筆簽名為基礎,包括編輯指法和踏板標記,與比才的極少指示有明顯區別。此外,還收錄了有關比才及其音樂的有趣歷史資料。La poupée》(《玩偶》)、《La toupee》(《頭飾》)、《Le bal》(《舞蹈》)、《Les chevaux de bois》(《旋轉木馬》)和《Saute-mouton》(《蛙跳》)是聯邦音樂節 2016-2020 年的精選曲目。2020-2024年聯邦音樂節精選"

作曲家: Bizet Georges
校訂者: Charles Timbrell
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Early Advanced; (6+)
風格: Masterwork
Jeux d'enfants, Bizet's last and finest piano work, is one of the gems of piano duet literature. These 12 colorful pieces describe various children's activities. This edition, based on the first edition and the autograph, includes editorial fingering and pedal markings that are clearly differentiated from Bizet's minimal indications. Interesting historical information on Bizet and his music is also included. "La poupée (The Doll)," "La toupee (The Top)," "Le bal (The Dance)," "Les chevaux de bois (The Merry-Go-Round)," and "Saute-mouton (Leap Frog)" are Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selections. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

頁數: 72
重量(g): 254.0117272
ISBN: 9780739034149
UPC: 38081226798

