
Arias for 4-Flute Choir 長笛團 詠唱調 詠嘆調

$1,010TWD - $1,010TWD
$1,010TWD - $1,010TWD

詹姆斯-哥爾韋爵士第一次接觸吉伯特和沙利文的精彩歌劇,是在薩德勒之井歌劇院管弦樂團(後來成為英國國家歌劇院)演出時。他對吉伯特和沙利文歌劇中的美妙曲調情有獨鍾,因此與長期合作者兼編曲家大衛-奧弗頓(David Overton)共同創作了這本曲集。吉伯特與沙利文》的編曲被分成不同的專輯,因為有些歌曲最適合長笛和鋼琴獨奏,有些適合雙長笛和鋼琴,有些則適合長笛合唱。這一卷長笛合唱曲包括 我們的新婚之夜陽光明媚(《天皇》),因為他娶了音音(《天皇》),我是個朝臣,渴望而嚴肅(《貢朵拉》),斯特裡馮是個議員(《伊奧蘭特》)"

作曲家: Sir Arthur Sullivan
改編者: David Overton
樂器: Flute Ensemble; Flute Choir
出版社: Southern Music Co.
Sir James Galway first came upon Gilbert and Sullivan's wonderful operettas while playing with Sadler's Wells Opera orchestra, which later became the English National Opera. His fondness for good tunes, with which the G&S operettas abound, led to this collection, created with longtime collaborator and arranger David Overton. The Gilbert and Sullivan arrangements are divided into separate albums, as some of the songs are best suited to solo flute and piano, some for two flutes and piano, and some lend themselves to a flute choir. This volume for flute choir contains: Brightly dawns our wedding day (Mikado), For he's gone and married Yum-Yum (Mikado), I am a courtier, crave and serious (Gondoliers), Strephon's a Member of Parliament (Iolanthe)

頁數: 16
重量(g): 153.09
EAN: 9781581065848
UPC: 888680702663
