
Violin Playtime Duets 小提琴 二重奏

來自 Faber Music
$390TWD - $390TWD
$390TWD - $390TWD

小提琴遊戲時間二重奏》是一本為年輕演奏家編寫的多用途二重奏選集,既適合學生與老師共同演奏(非常適合在沒有鋼琴的情況下),也適合兩位能力相近的演奏家共同演奏。保羅-德-凱瑟(Paul de Keyser)的選材與眾不同,從 17 和 18 世紀的經典曲目,如珀賽爾、呂利、克裡格和拉莫,到東歐和西歐的民間曲調,無不令人振奮。作為《小提琴演奏時間》第 1-3 冊的有益補充,教師們一定會非常歡迎這本書"

作曲家: de Keyser, Paul
樂器: Violin
出版社: Faber Music
曲目: Mystery Melody; Minuet (Krieger); Sadness (Bulgarian); All the Birds (German); Laughing, laughin (German); Air (Lully); Hornpipe (Purcell); Summer (Bulgarian); Folk Song (Bulgarian); Aria (Les Huguenots) (Meyerbeer); Menuet (Rameau); Folk Song (Bulgarian); March (Bach); Krakoviak (Baklanova)
Violin Playtime Duets is a versatile anthology of duets for young players, suitable either for a pupil to play with a teacher (ideal for situations where no piano is available), or for two players of similar ability. Paul de Keyser's unusual and stimulating selection of material ranges from classics of the 17th and 18th centuries, such as Purcell, Lully, Krieger and Rameau, to folk tunes from Eastern and Western Europe. Teachers will welcome this as a useful adjunct to Violin Playtime Books 1-3.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 77
EAN: 9780571511549
