
TrombOnly op. 80 Solo für tenor trombone 男高音長號 長號 一把以上 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

正是長號獨奏《TrombOnly》為作曲家、教師和德國音樂界重要人物馬丁-克裡斯托夫-雷德爾贏得了2014年諾維利古雷作曲獎。多年來,這個皮埃蒙特小鎮一直致力於管樂器音樂的培養。TrombOnly》(為次中音長號而作,配有拇指氣門)是一首時長約 7 分鐘的樂曲,展現了飄音、二比格連奏、靜音或滑音等演奏技巧,並結合了吟誦式、慢板式和節奏活潑的變化段落......

作曲家: Redel, Martin Christoph
樂器: tenor trombone
出版社: Bote & Bock
It was the trombone solo TrombOnly that won Martin Christoph Redel, composer, teacher and important figure of the German music scene, the composition award in Novi Ligure in 2014. For many years, the Piedmontese town has dedicated itself to the cultivation of music for wind instruments. And even there, Redel already attracted attention with solo pieces for cornet as well as for alto saxophone.TrombOnly (for tenor trombone with thumb valve), a piece of about 7 minutes' duration, presents playing techniques like flutter-tonguing, bisbigliando, mute or glissando, combined with a varied progression with recitative-like, sostenuto and rhythmically lively passages..

頁數: 8
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790202534304
ISBN: 9783793141273
