
Exercises and Etudes for the Jazz Instrumentalist Bass Clef Edition 練習曲 練習曲 爵士音樂

來自 小雅音樂
$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

《爵士樂手練習曲和練習曲》是長號手/作曲家 J.J. Johnson 的原創作品集。這些樂曲(和聲以著名的標準樂曲為基礎)是作為學習材料設計的,任何樂器均可演奏,涵蓋了爵士樂的各種風格,包括常見和不常見的時間記號和調式,以及從民謠到放克的各種風格。這些曲目循序漸進,無論是初學者還是專業演奏者,都能從這些美妙的音樂中獲得挑戰。本書有高音譜號和低音譜號兩種版本,還包括指導演奏者的文字以及詹森的傳記

作曲家: J.J. Johnson
樂器: Trombone;BC Instruments
Exercises and Etudes for the Jazz Instrumentalist is a collection of original pieces by master trombonist/composer J.J. Johnson. Designed as study material and playable by any instrument, these pieces (the harmonies of which are based on well-known standards) run the gamut of the jazz experience, featuring common and uncommon time signatures and keys, and styles from ballads to funk. They are progressively graded so that both beginners and professionals will be challenged by the demands of this wonderful music. Published in both treble and bass clef editions, this book also includes text to guide the player, as well as a biography of Johnson.

頁數: 160
重量(g): 527.31
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9780634021206
UPC: 073999114454
