
Ricercare una melodia

來自 Faber Music
$540TWD - $540TWD
$540TWD - $540TWD

icercare una melodia "是喬納森-哈威(Jonathan Harvey)在 20 世紀 80 年代中期為長號獨奏和磁帶延時器創作的一部巧妙作品。該作品以兩個五部曲的形式展開:第一部狂熱、嘰嘰喳喳、吵鬧;第二部則逐漸增強,更加明亮、沉思。這是電聲音樂界的一位遠見卓識者所創作的一部個性鮮明、簡明扼要的傑作"

作曲家: Harvey, Jonathan
樂器: Trombone
出版社: Faber Music
Ricercare una melodia is an ingenious work for solo trombone and tape delay from the mid 1980s by Jonathan Harvey, where takes the literal meaning of Ricercare – ‘to seek’ – as the inspiration for its structure. It unfolds as two fivepart canons: the first frenetic, twittering and rowdy; the second, where the canon is progressively augmented, more luminous and contemplative. A characterful and concise masterpiece from one of the visionaries of Electro- Acoustic Music.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 70
EAN: 9780571522156
