
Incidental Music to J.W. von Goethe's Tragic Play Egmont, Op. 84 Voice and Piano Reduction 貝多芬 艾格蒙特 配樂 鋼琴 聲樂 亨乐版

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$1,330TWD - $1,330TWD

約翰-沃爾夫岡-馮-歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)從一開始就打算讓音樂在他的悲劇《埃格蒙特》中發揮作用,這部悲劇發生在 16 世紀荷蘭人反抗西班牙統治的起義中。路德維希-凡-貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven)為 1810 年春天在維也納城堡劇院上演的這部悲劇創作了附帶音樂。遺憾的是,音樂廳大多只演奏序曲。這本平裝鋼琴縮寫本採用可靠的 Henle Urtext 版本,提供了完整的附帶音樂和歌曲文本。這是瞭解序曲、克拉琴的歌曲、前奏曲和最後的凱旋交響曲的理想途徑。在這裡,我們可以欣賞到兩位天才的互動"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Helmut Hell
樂器: Piano; Voice
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
From the outset, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe intended music to play a role in his tragedy “Egmont”, which takes place during the uprising of the Dutch against Spanish dominion in the 16th century. Ludwig van Beethoven wrote the incidental music for a performance of the tragedy in Vienna's Burgtheater in the spring of 1810. Unfortunately, mostly only the overture is performed in the concert hall. This paperback piano reduction in a reliable Henle Urtext edition now provides the complete incidental music with the song texts. This is an ideal way of getting to know the overture, Klarchen's songs, the entr'acte music and the concluding triumphal symphony. We can here admire the interaction of two geniuses.

頁數: 51
重量(g): 209.79
UPC: 884088177669
