
Eve's Song, For Voice And Piano 佛瑞 鋼琴

$2,130TWD - $2,130TWD
$2,130TWD - $2,130TWD

"加布裡埃爾-福雷是一位多產的作曲家,尤其是聲樂和鋼琴作品,他的音樂總是被寄予厚望。他為聲樂和鋼琴伴奏創作的《夏娃之歌》也不例外。 福雷(1845-1924 年)從 10 歲起就在尼德邁爾學校接受高品質的音樂教育。他最終成為卡米耶-聖桑的鋼琴學生。在福雷的職業生涯中,他接替泰奧多爾-杜波依斯(Théodore Dubois)成為巴黎瑪德萊娜教堂的管風琴師,並成為巴黎音樂學院的作曲教授,同時還創作了許多傑出的作品。他的歌曲集《夏娃之歌》創作於 1906-1910 年間。作為福雷最長的歌曲集,《夏娃之歌》由夏爾-范勒貝格(Charles Van Lerberghe)的十首詩歌旋律組成。迄今為止,福雷的音樂仍然廣受歡迎,《夏娃之歌》也是聲樂曲目中最受歡迎的作品""

作曲家: Gabriel Fauré
樂器: Voice
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Being such a prolific composer, particularly for Vocal and Piano works, Gabriel Fauré's music is always addressed with high expectations. His Eve's Song for Voice and Piano accompaniment is no exception. Fauré (1845-1924) began receiving high quality musical instruction from age 10 at the Niedermeyer School. He eventually became a piano pupil of Camille Saint-Saëns. Fauré's career saw him succeed Théodore Dubois as organist at the Church of Madeleine in Paris and become professor of composition at the Paris Conservatoire, all the while composing sublime works. His song cycle Eve's Song was composed between 1906 - 1910. As Fauré's longest song cycle, Eve's Song is made up of ten melodies based on poetry by Charles Van Lerberghe. With Fauré's music remaining hugely popular to this day, Eve's Song is a favourite for the vocal repertoire.”

頁數: 44
重量(g): 161.595
UPC: 888680825720
