
Complete Songs for Voice and Piano - Volume II Voice and Piano 貝多芬 聲樂 鋼琴 亨乐版

$1,860TWD - $1,860TWD
$1,860TWD - $1,860TWD

貝多芬作為不朽的管弦樂作品、大量室內樂和獨奏奏鳴曲的創作者,其重要性不言而喻,以至於他豐富的歌曲作品常常不為人所注意。但他的敘事曲卻提供了一個極富娛樂性的曲目,其中既有情歌和幽默歌曲,也有哲理或宗教題材的嚴肅作品。歌德、克勞狄烏斯、赫爾德、萊辛、蓋勒特和盧梭等作家的詩歌都是他的作品。通過這種方式,他為我們展現了一幅 18 世紀末期和 19 世紀初期的全景圖,其中特別融合了對大自然的感受、啟蒙思想和宗教情感。這套兩卷本的 Henle Urtext 版本以《貝多芬全集》為基礎,還收錄了貝多芬逝世後很長時間才被重新發現、因而長期以來鮮為人知的歌曲。關於貝多芬藝術歌曲的歷史和來源情況的詳細序言為這一版本畫上了圓滿的句號"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Helga Lühning
樂器: Piano; Voice
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Beethoven's importance as the creator of monumental orchestral works and of substantial chamber music and solo sonatas is so great that his rich song oeuvre is often hardly even noticed. But his lieder offer a highly entertaining repertoire in which love songs and humorous songs alternate with serious pieces of philosophical or religious subject matter. Goethe, Claudius, Herder, Lessing, Gellert and Rousseau are among the authors whose poems he set. In this way, we are offered a panorama of the waning 18th and incipient 19th centuries with a specific blend of feeling for nature, Enlightenment though and religious sensibility. This Henle Urtext edition in two volumes, which is based on the Beethoven Complete Edition, also contains those songs which were rediscovered long after Beethoven's death and were therefore hardly known for a long tme. A detailed preface on the history and source situation of Beethoven's art songs rounds off this edition.

頁數: 116
重量(g): 493.29
UPC: 884088177065
