
Arias, Duet, Trio Solo Voice(S) & Orchestra Study Score 貝多芬 詠唱調 聲樂 二重三重唱 管弦樂團 總譜 亨乐版

$890TWD - $890TWD
$890TWD - $890TWD

本冊收錄的獨唱聲樂和管弦樂作品的創作背景各不相同。其中一些是為貝多芬當時的女歌手量身定做的,而另一些則是他涉足義大利歌劇領域(師從安東尼奧-薩列裡)時創作的。在貝多芬有生之年,這些作品幾乎無一付梓。除了《啊!perfido》Op. 65等經典曲目外,本卷還收錄了貝多芬多次修改的場景和詠歎調 "No, non turbarti" - "Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro? "等不為人知的珍品。研究樂譜包含學術性《全集》的文本。貝多芬專家恩斯特-赫特裡希(Ernst Herttrich)還提供了有關這首曲子的起源和令人興奮的流傳史變異的資訊"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Orchestra; Vocal
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The works for solo voice(s) and orchestra assembled in this volume owe their composition to the most diverse occasions. Some were tailor-made for female singers in Beethoven's milieu, while with others he was dabbling in the field of Italian opera (under the tutelage of none other than Antonio Salieri). Scarcely any of them made it into print during Beethoven's lifetime. Aside from canonical works of the repertoire such as “Ah! perfido” op. 65, this volume also contains unknown gems like the scene and aria Beethoven revised multiple times, “No, non turbarti” - “Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro?”. The study score contains the text of the scholarly Complete Edition. Beethoven specialist Ernst Herttrich additionally provides information about the genesis and exciting variants in the transmission history.

頁數: 190
重量(g): 396.9
UPC: 888680991333
