
Ah! Perfido Op. 65 Soprano and Orchestra Soprano and Piano Reduction 貝多芬 管弦樂團 鋼琴 聲樂 亨乐版

$570TWD - $570TWD
$570TWD - $570TWD

多芬說:"這首音樂會詠歎調是歌唱家的核心曲目,它的起源充滿了神秘色彩。我們至今仍不知道貝多芬從哪裡找到了這首詠歎調的文本。詠歎調的文本取自 Pietro Metastasio 的 "Achille in Sciro",但其後並沒有詠歎調。此外,貝多芬為何在創作九年後才出版這首曲子,這一點也不清楚。這本 HN 970 單行本末尾的 "批評評論 "詳細介紹了這首戲劇傑作的來源情況和我們版本的所有方面"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Soprano; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The origin of this concert aria, which is a core piece in the singer's repertoire, is swathed in mystery. We still do not know where Beethoven found the text for the aria. The text for the recitative was taken from Pietro Metastasio's “Achille in Sciro,” but there it was not followed by an aria. It is also not clear why Beethoven only published the piece nine years after writing it. The Critical Commentary at the end of this single edition from HN 970 gives detailed information on the source situation and all apsects of our edition of this dramatic masterpiece.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 79.38
UPC: 884088577759
