
Composer's World: Haydn

來自 Faber Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

書是 "世界最偉大作曲家生平與時代 "系列圖畫書的一部分,適合 12 歲及以上讀者閱讀。本書介紹了海頓的生平和作品,他的一生跨越了政治、社會和音樂的巨大變革時期:海頓出生時,巴赫和亨德爾都處於聲譽的頂峰,他比他的朋友莫札特晚了 18 年,而他最偉大的學生貝多芬也在自己的音樂生涯中站穩了腳跟。但是,如果沒有海頓的榜樣,莫札特和貝多芬都不可能創作出交響曲、絃樂四重奏和奏鳴曲等傑作。這本圖文並茂的傳記將 18 世紀的世界生動地展現在讀者面前,並以簡單的鍵盤編曲摘錄了海頓最受歡迎的一些作品

樂器: Voice, Keyboard
出版社: Faber Music
Part of a series of picture books for readers aged twelve and upwards illustrating the lives and times of the world's greatest composers. This book looks at the life and work of Haydn, a life that spanned a period of great political and social, as well as musical change: born when both Bach and Handel were at the height of their fame, he outlived his friend Mozart by 18 years, having seen his greatest pupil Beethoven well-established in his own career. But neither Mozart nor Beethoven could have created their masterpieces - symphonies, string quartets, sonatas - without the example of Haydn. This illustrated biography brings the world of the 18th century vividly to life, and includes extracts from some of Haydn's best-loved works in simple keyboard arrangements.

語言: English
頁數: 48
重量(g): 217
EAN: 9780571511976
