
Humoresque L'Organo Primitivo Melody for Flute 幽默曲管風琴 旋律 長笛

來自 Alfred Music
$200TWD - $200TWD
$200TWD - $200TWD

首曲子是為最基本的管風琴資源而寫,曲調輕快俏皮,副標題為 "長笛托卡提娜"。整首樂曲由一個 8 英尺長笛音栓單手動演奏,並使用 16 英尺音栓和聯動手動長笛進行踏板演奏。這首曲子對雙手的要求相當高,雙手要不斷地演奏十六分音符的和絃,而踏板上的音符則相當簡單,且時斷時續。恒定的動態非常柔和,從始至終都保持著穩定的節奏。皮埃特羅-亞曆山德羅-雍(1886--1943 年)是義大利出生的管風琴演奏家,他的職業生涯是在美國度過的。在 1907 年來到美國之前,他曾在梵蒂岡和羅馬皇家教堂擔任過一段時間的管風琴師,他最著名的作品是這首《幽默曲》和他的聖誕樂曲《Gesù bambino》"

作曲家: Pietro A Yon
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
Written for the most basic of organ resources, this swift and playful piece is subtitled Toccatina for Flute. The entire piece is played on a single manual with a single 8-foot flute stop, and is pedaled with a 16-foot stop and the coupled manual flute. While fairly demanding for the hands, with a constant sixteenth note broken chord pattern in both hands, the pedal notes are fairly simple, and intermittent. The constant dynamic is very soft, and a steady tempo is indicated throughout, right up to the end. Pietro Alessandro Yon, (1886--1943) was an Italian-born organist who made his career in the United States. He served for a time as an organist at the Vatican and at the Royal Church in Rome before coming to the United States in 1907, and he is most famous for this Humoresque, and for his Christmas piece, Gesù bambino.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 68.0388555
ISBN: 9780769262963
UPC: 29156630237
