
Wedding Service Music for Organ 管風琴

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

所有需要教堂管風琴師服務的婚禮都是,或者說應該是,宗教性的以及社交性的場合。當管風琴師和參與者選擇從宗教和審美角度都能接受的音樂時,必須牢記這一事實。有鑑於此,《WEDDING SERVICE MUSIC FOR ORGAN》中所選的音樂均符合這些要求。作者希望這些選曲既能表達喜悅之情,又能表現宗教的莊嚴肅穆,給聽眾留下深刻印象。本書採用梳齒裝訂,平整度高,非常適合學習和演奏。內容巴赫:詠歎調(Bist Du Bei Mir)、耶穌,人類渴望的喜悅、西西里亞諾;亨德爾:詠歎調(Semele)、大調詠歎調(Semele):詠歎調(Semele)、大合唱(Concerto Grosso XII);瓦格納:新娘合唱;莫札特:降 E 大調教堂奏鳴曲,婚禮進行曲(《費加羅的婚禮》);馬塞洛詩篇 19》;《行進讚美詩》(威斯敏斯特教堂);坎普拉大衛斯:莊嚴旋律;普賽爾小號曲調;克拉克小號自願曲;孟德爾松:婚禮進行曲(仲夏夜之夢)"

校訂者: David Drinkwater
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Late Intermediate;
風格: Sacred
All weddings that require the services of a church organist are, or should be, religious as well as social occasions. This fact must be kept in mind as the organist and participants select music that is acceptable from a religious as well as aesthetic point of view. In light of this, the selections in WEDDING SERVICE MUSIC FOR ORGAN were chosen to meet these requirements. It is the intention of the author that these selections impress listeners as expressions of joy as well as of religious solemnity. The comb binding creates a lay-flat book that is perfect for study and performance. Contents: Bach: Aria (Bist Du Bei Mir), Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Siciliano; Handel: Aria (Semele), Larghetto (Concerto Grosso XII); Wagner: Bridal Chorus; Mozart: Church Sonata in E-flat Major, Wedding March (Marriage of Figaro); Marcello: Psalm 19; Processional Hymn (Westminster Abbey); Campra: Rigaudon; Davies: Solemn Melody; Purcell: Trumpet Tune ; Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary; Mendelssohn: Wedding March (Midsummer Night's Dream).

頁數: 48
重量(g): 180.07617089
ISBN: 9780769243054
UPC: 29156131345
