
French Masterworks for Organ 管風琴

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

許多過去的法國管風琴演奏家組成了一個兄弟會,他們在學生時代共同學習和相互競爭,接受了極好的音樂教育,積累了豐富的經驗。他們從本國最偉大的教師那裡接受教育,並通過本作品集所收錄的精美管風琴作品而聲名遠播,自 19 世紀以來經久不衰。包括C 小調快板(路易-維耶納)*快板(路易-維耶納)*安達迪-索斯特努托,選自哥特交響曲(查理斯-M-維多)*卡裡翁-索蒂(亨利-穆萊特)*聖餐(路易-維耶納)*大合唱對話(尤金-吉古特)*冥想(加布裡埃爾-杜邦)*宗教冥想(亨利-穆萊特)*祈禱(雷內-維耶納)*托卡塔(尤金-吉古特)。聯邦音樂節 2020-2024 年精選"

校訂者: Alexander Schreiner
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Many French organists of the past constitute a brotherhood that was bound together by the ties of a superb musical education and experience gained from studying together and competing with each other during their student years. They received their education from their nation's greatest teachers, and went on to make names for themselves that have endured since the 1800's through the beautiful organ works represented in this collection. Includes: Adagio in C Minor (Louis Vierne) * Allegretto (Louis Vierne) * Andante Sostenuto, from Gothic Symphony (Charles M. Widor) * Carillon-Sortie (Henri Mulet) * Communion (Louis Vierne) * Grand Chorus Dialogue (Eugene Gigout) * Meditation (Gabriel Dupont) * Meditation Religieuse (Henri Mulet) * Prayer (Rene Vierne) * Toccata (Eugene Gigout). A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

頁數: 64
重量(g): 229.51773922
ISBN: 9780769242927
UPC: 29156214031
