
Sunday Morning Organist, Volume 5: Best of the Saint Cecilia Series 管風琴

來自 Alfred Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

初的 "聖塞西莉亞系列 "是以音樂家的守護神命名的,而聖塞西莉亞經常在藝術作品中演奏管風琴。這本《星期日早晨管風琴演奏家》特別版收錄了原 H. W. Gray 系列中的許多著名曲目,彙編成一本方便專業管風琴演奏家使用的資料。其中包含許多音樂流派,包括傳統讚美詩曲調、福音歌曲、美國民間旋律、古典名曲以及耶誕節和婚禮選曲。最佳聖塞西莉亞系列》為教堂管風琴師提供了寶貴的演奏曲目。標題大哉,你的信實》阿拉貝斯克曲 * C 調管風琴序曲 * 《尼西亞》節慶曲 * 《耶穌,人所盼望的喜樂》 * 《現在,我們都感謝我們的神》 * 《歡樂讚美詩》迴旋曲 * 《里加頓》 * 《我們應聚集在河邊》 * 《康塔塔舞曲 Wir Danken Dir. Gott》中的 Sinfonia、神聖、神聖、神聖)托卡塔 * 兩首美國讚美詩前奏曲 * 兩首婚禮讚美詩前奏曲 * 兩首小交響曲 * Adeste Fideles 變奏曲 * Angels We Have Heard on High 變奏曲 * Chester 變奏曲 * Simple Gifts 變奏曲。Arioso - I Stand at the Threshold (Sinfonia to Cantata No. 156), Nettleton (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing) from Two Preludes on American Hymn Tunes, Shall We Gather at the River, Sinfonies de Fanfares 1.迴旋曲》(選自《首演組曲》,第一樂章)和《托卡塔》(選自《我們在高處聽到的天使》變奏曲)是 2016-2020 年聯邦音樂節的選曲。2020-2024年聯邦音樂節選曲"

樂器: Organ
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Late Intermediate / Advanced;
風格: Sacred
The original Saint Cecilia Series was aptly named for the patron saint of musicians who has often been represented in art as playing the organ. This special edition of the Sunday Morning Organist includes many of the most famous pieces from the original H. W. Gray Series compiled into one convenient resource for professional organists. Many musical genres are represented including traditional hymn tunes, gospel songs, American folk melodies, classical favorites, as well as Christmas and wedding selections. Best of the Saint Cecilia Series provides a valuable collection of performance pieces for the church organist. Titles: Arabesque on "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" * Fanfare in C for Organ * Festival Piece on "Nicaea" * Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring * Now Thank We All Our God * Recessional on "Hymn to Joy" * Rigadoun * Shall We Gather at the River * Sinfonia from the Cantata Wir Danken Dir, Gott * Sinfonies de Fanfares * Solemn Processional * Toccata on "Adeste Fideles" * Toccata on "Nicaea" (Holy, Holy, Holy) * Two Preludes on American Hymn Tunes * Two Preludes on Wedding Hymns * Two Sinfonias * Variations on "Adeste Fideles" * Variations on "Angels We Have Heard on High" * Variations on "Chester" * Variations on "Simple Gifts." "Arioso - I Stand at the Threshold (Sinfonia to Cantata No. 156)," "Nettleton (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing) from Two Preludes on American Hymn Tunes," "Shall We Gather at the River," "Sinfonies de Fanfares 1. Rondeau (From Premiere Suite, mvt. 1)," and "Toccata from Variations on Angels We Have Heard on High" are Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selections. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

頁數: 148
重量(g): 272.155422
ISBN: 9780739065297
UPC: 38081378183
