
Fanfares for Tanglewood 號曲

來自 Faber Music
$540TWD - $540TWD
$540TWD - $540TWD

奧利弗-克努森(Oliver Knussen)曾在 1986 年至 1993 年間擔任唐格伍德音樂中心的當代音樂總監,他為該中心創作了這首 2 分鐘的作品。三組銅管樂和打擊樂以盡可能大的間距,以邁克爾-蒂佩特爵士 80 歲生日的大合唱、深沉的'塞拉納克合唱'和宣佈克努森的歌劇《Higglety Piggelty Pop》最後一幕的大合唱為基礎,最後匯合成一個強調性的尾聲"

作曲家: Knussen, Oliver
樂器: Brass, Percussion
出版社: Faber Music
Oliver Knussen composed this arresting 2-minute work for the Tanglewood Music Center, where he was Head of Contemporary Music from 1986 to 1993. Three groups of brass and percussion, spaced as widely apart as possible, riff on a fanfare for the 80th Birthday of Sir Michael Tippett, a deep ‘Seranak Chorale’ and the fanfare that announces the final scene of Knussen’s opera Higglety Piggelty Pop before joining together for an emphatic coda.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 72
EAN: 9780571510511
