
Let The Dreadful Engines of Eternal Will 珀瑟爾

來自 Faber Music
$390TWD - $390TWD
$390TWD - $390TWD

本傑明-布裡頓對亨利-珀塞爾的歌曲和其他音樂的演奏和演繹從 19 世紀 40 年代初開始,至少持續了 30 年。在普賽爾身上,他找到了一種相似的精神:一位元歌劇和戲劇音樂作曲家,懂得如何為聲樂寫作,並以敏銳和大膽的態度處理英語語言"

作曲家: Purcell, Henry
校訂者: Britten, Benjamin
校訂者: Britten, Benjamin
樂器: Piano, Voice, Medium Voice
出版社: Faber Music
Benjamin Britten's performances and realisations of the songs and other music by Henry Purcell extended over at least thirty years, from the early nineteen forties onwards. In Purcell he found a kindred spirit: a composer of opera and dramatic music who knew how to write for the voice, and who handled the English language with sensitivity and daring.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 88
EAN: 9780571512850
