
Trois Chansons (voice And Piano) 怀尔 钢琴

原价 $810TWD - 原价 $810TWD
$810TWD - $810TWD
现价 $810TWD

库尔特-威尔的三首歌曲 "是一组为声乐和钢琴而作的三首法国歌曲。歌词由莫里斯-马格雷(Maurice Magre)和罗杰-费尔内(Roger Fernay)创作,难度适中。 第一首歌《塞纳-马恩省河的抱怨》(Complainte de la Seine)长达三页,歌词是关于河底的事物。 第二首曲子《我不爱你》(Je ne taime pas)是一个男人对一个人说他不爱她,一切都很好,只要她快乐,他就很好。 第三首曲子《尤卡利》是一首节奏感极强的探戈-哈巴涅拉舞曲,共四页,描绘了尤卡利岛。 库尔特-威尔(Kurt Weill,1900-1950 年)是德国作曲家,曾创作歌剧和一些音乐厅作品"

作曲家: Kurt Weill
乐器: Voice
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Trois Chansons

“Three songs by Kurt Weill is a set of three French songs for Voice and Piano. The lyrics have been written by Maurice Magre and Roger Fernay and the general level of difficulty is medium. The first piece, Complainte de la Seine (Complains of the Seine), is three page long and its lyrics are about what lies at the bottom of the river. The second song, Je ne taime pas (I dont love you), is a man telling someone that he doesnt love her, that everything is fine and that he is fine if she is happy. The third piece, Youkali is a highly rhythmic tango-habanera in four pages, which depicts the island of Youkali. Kurt Weill (1900-1950) is a German composer who developed operas and some works for the concert hall.”
页数: 12
重量(g): 82.215
UPC: 888680789961