
To These Dark Steps / The Fathers are Watching op. 90 for tenor, children's choir and ensemble 哥尔.亚力山大 男高音 合唱团 总谱 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $1,500TWD - 原价 $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
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我和诗人先是在耶路撒冷的一个阅读希腊悲剧的小团体中相遇,后来又在谢赫-贾拉街区抗议以色列定居者将巴勒斯坦居民赶出家门的示威活动中相识。列文的儿子刚刚被捕。莱文后来解释说,在加沙遭到轰炸时(2008 年),他发现自己只能聆听韦伯恩、巴托克、里盖蒂、梅西安和莫顿-费尔德曼等人创作的二十世纪作品。他带来的诗歌主题就是在这样的时刻聆听这些作曲家的作品。他告诉我,这些诗不是 "政治 "诗。在我看来,它们是写在风景中的诗,尽管是与日常政治事件密不可分的风景

作曲家: Goehr, Alexander
乐器: tenor, children's choir, alto flute, guitar, string quintet and percussion
出版社: Schott Music
We met first, poet and I, in a little group of people in Jerusalem reading Greek tragedy, and then later at a demonstration in the Sheik Jarrah neighborhood protesting against the expulsion of Palestinian residents from their houses by Israeli settlers. Levin’s son had just been arrested. I mention both meetings because they tell us about the atmosphere among at least a minority of people in Israel and I believe, something about the poems, ‘To These Dark Steps’ and the prose pieces, ‘The Fathers are Watching’ which accompany them.Levin later explained that at the time of the bombing of Gaza (in 2008), he had found himself able to listen only to twentieth century pieces by Webern, Bartok, Ligeti, Messiaen and Morton Feldman. The poems he brought have as their subject the listening to these composers’ works at such a time. They are not ‘political’ poems, he told me. It seems to me that they are poems written in a landscape, albeit one inseparable from quotidian political events.Alexander Goehr.

语言: English
页数: 0
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790220134616
