
Titan A tone poem in the form of a symphony in two parts and five movements 马勒.古斯塔夫 交响诗 交响曲 乐章 总谱 环球版

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《泰坦》是第一交响曲的早期五乐章版本,此前从未出版过。环球唱片公司很荣幸首次将此乐谱与《新批判版全集》一起出版。马勒于 1888 年初在莱比锡创作了这部作品。1889年,这部作品作为 "交响诗 "在布达佩斯首演

作曲家: Mahler, Gustav
编者: Hefling, Stephen E. / Kubik, Reinhold
乐器: for large orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition

Titan, the early five-movement version of the Symphony No. 1, has never been published before. Universal Edition is proud to make this score available for the first time in connection with the Complete New Critical Edition. Mahler composed the work at the beginning of 1888 in Leipzig. In 1889 it was subsequently premiered as a “symphonic poem” in Budapest.

This edition of the New Study Score Series contains a detailed preface and sources in German, English and French.

At this point, we would like to refer to a statement by the International Gustav Mahler Society (IGMG), which is very concerned about Mahler editions that are not up to date with musicological research and thus cannot do justice to the composer's intentions.

To the statement

页数: 0
重量(g): 610
ISMN: 9790008089633
ISBN: 9783702476359