
Three Piano Pieces, Op. 11 荀贝格 钢琴 小品

原价 $840TWD - 原价 $840TWD
$840TWD - $840TWD
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阿诺德-勋伯格的钢琴小品作品 11 是钢琴音乐发展史上的里程碑。勋伯格也曾创作过其他无调性作品,但都是为有歌词的声乐而作。相比之下,钢琴曲作品 11 是第一部以所谓的 "自由无调性 "创作的器乐作品。尽管这首曲子具有革命性的爆发力,但其结构却是古典式的,有奏鸣曲式的第一乐章、缓慢的中间乐章和暴风雨般的终曲。Henle Urtext 版在第一版的基础上出版了这一现代经典作品,由 Schönberg 学者 Ullrich Scheideler 编辑。经验丰富的钢琴大师伊曼纽尔-阿克斯(Emanuel Ax)在此基础上增加了指法建议,使这部作品适合实际使用"

作曲家: Schoenberg Arnold
乐器: Piano
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Arnold Schönberg's Piano Pieces op. 11 are a milestone in the development of piano music. Schönberg had also already composed other atonal works, but always for voice with sung text. By contrast the Piano Pieces op. 11 are the first instrumental compositions to bewritten in so-called “free atonality”. For all its revolutionary explosive power, the cycle is classically structured, with a sonata-like first movement, a slow middle piece and a stormy finale. The Henle Urtext edition publishes this modern classic in a new, generously laid out music setting based on the first edition, edited by Schönberg scholar Ullrich Scheideler. Highly experienced piano maestro Emanuel Ax has added fingering recommendations, making the work suitable for practical use.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
页数: 28
重量(g): 133.245
UPC: 196288088110
