
This Land Is Your Land (Medium/Advanced Version) for String Orchestra 弦乐团 总谱

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$320TWD - $320TWD
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在简短的引子之后,中提琴奏出第一个旋律主题,然后以八度将其传递给第一小提琴,由伊桑-埃普尔(Ethan Epple)编曲的伍迪-格思里(Woody Guthrie)的 This Land Is Your Land(四级编曲)随之展开。埃普尔在 This Land Is Your Land 中通过顿挫、移至五度位置、创造宽广的音域、拨弦、切分音和从 D 大调到 G 大调的无缝调性变化,同时每种乐器都承载着旋律和对位旋律,为 This Land Is Your Land 搭建了美式舞台。伊桑-艾普尔的版本一定要放在您的曲库中,以备征兵、退伍军人节、国旗日、国庆节之用,或者只是因为创造性地为您的下一场音乐会画上了圆满的句号

作曲家: Woody Guthrie
乐器: String Orchestra
出版社: Southern Music Co.
After a brief introduction the violas introduce the first melodic theme then pass it to the first violins in octaves as This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, Level 4 arrangement by Ethan Epple develops. Epple sets the Americana stage in This Land Is Your Land through staccato, shifting to 5th position, creating a broad pitch range, pizzicato, syncopation and a key change moving seamlessly from D Major to G Major, while each instrument carries the melody and counter melody. Ethan Epple's version of This Land Is Your Land must be in your library for recruitment, Veterans Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, or just because This Land Is Your Land creatively rounds out your next concert.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
页数: 6
重量(g): 25.515
EAN: 9781638874775
UPC: 196288086789

