
The Emperor of Atlantis or Death's Refusal op. 49b One-act play by Peter Kien 乌尔曼 总谱 欧伊伦堡版

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1942 年 9 月,维克多-乌尔曼被关押在特莱西恩施塔特集中营,1943 年,他根据狱友彼得-基恩(Peter Kien)的剧本创作了歌剧《亚特兰蒂斯皇帝》(Der Kaiser von Atlantis)。这部歌剧由党卫军允许成立的一个室内乐团排练,但在最后一次排练后就被禁止首演。1944年乌尔曼被送往奥斯威辛集中营前不久,他将乐谱的亲笔签名连同剧本一起交给了一位朋友,这位朋友在战争结束时保存了这两份手稿。死神拒绝履行自己的职责,结束了这场混乱--现在,每个人都将永生。国王失去了权力,但人民却渴望从生活的痛苦中解脱出来。只有皇帝的自愿死亡才能恢复死亡的初衷。剧本以悬疑剧的形式对第三帝国,尤其是特莱西恩施塔特集中营进行了有力的描述。音乐中多次引用爵士乐和时下流行的轻音乐,有时甚至直接引用,使作曲家扮演了政治评论家的角色,沿袭了 20 世纪 20 年代专题歌剧的传统"

作曲家: Ullmann, Viktor
编者: Brauel, Henning
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH
In September 1942 Viktor Ullmann was interned in the concentration camp of Theresienstadt where he composed the opera Der Kaiser von Atlantis [The Emperor of Atlantis] on a libretto of Peter Kien, a fellow prisoner, in 1943. This opera was rehearsed by a chamber ensemble founded with the permission of the SS, but its first performance was prohibited after the final rehearsal. The autograph of the score only survived because shortly before his deportation to Auschwitz in 1944, Ullmann handed it, together with the libretto, to a friend who was able to save both manuscripts at the end of the war.The opera is a parable of a cruel emperor, whose senseless war is claiming many lives. Death puts an end to the chaos by refusing his duty - now, everyone lives for eternity. The king becomes disempowered, but the people long for a release from the pain of life. Only the voluntary death of the emperor can restore death's original purpose.The libretto is a vigorous take on the Third Reich and more particularly the concentration camp of Theresienstadt through the means of a mystery play. The music, with its numerous references to jazz and then current light music, sometimes by direct quotation, puts the composer in the role of political commentator, following the tradition of topical opera in the 1920's.

语言: German - English
页数: 200
重量(g): 480
ISMN: 9790200223835
ISBN: 9783795764197
UPC: 841886008021
